Hello Crafty Friends! I am busy creating Ephemera Pages just for you to use in your crafts. There are many on the web that sell their things, but, I don't know that I am fully ready to start having an online shop right now. I am really liking this vintage way of collaging all sorts of bits and pieces from all of my flea market finds. This page is named: In Other Words. Thought it was a bit catchy or silly one of the two, which ever fits for you. Anyway, I think you'll find interesting quote in here from Abraham Lincoln; a poem; Spanish lesson; and so on... most of the little items are from books dating back to the 1800's up to the 1950's. The bottom portion of the page is my own works of artistry using the gel pad. * As always, please use this page for cutting into tags, or in altered books. But please do not sell or keep on file, or claim as your own. Or I can see this being used as a Tear Page. Anyway, I really enjoy making these and I hope you will too.

The holidays have come quickly this time around, or maybe its just me thinking that since I've been working. Here in the U.S. we will be having our Thanksgiving with family, as it should be anyway.... but this year will be a bit different as in previous years we always had our get together with my brother and his wife. It's hard to believe that she's been gone for 4 months. It won't be the same without her. And holidays, special events, are usually the most difficult when going through grief. At least that's how it seems to me. I found myself going through some recipes and clippings my Mother kept for so many years, it brought back so many memories of helping her when I was little. I plan on sharing some of those recipes with you all too. Those memories really made it seem more like these upcoming holidays... won' t be so bad after all... it was like "visiting with mom" all over again. My Mother was ready to go on to her Heavenly Home, and I know I will see her again in glory. But, I know I am selfish in thinking I would love to see her once again... to give her a big hug... and Dad too... he gave such wonderful bear hugs. How I miss those special hugs. He's been gone since 1997. I was hoping to get through this post without having to dab a tear from my eye... but I do miss them so much.
I am dedicating this post to my parents and my sister-in-love. We miss you, you'll remain always in our hearts. Love you all and great big hugs.
Thank you so much for coming by to visit, leave a comment before you go. It would mean so much to me.
Hugs, Mary